Standing Tall

Standing in the face of today’s depreciating values.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The decline continues….

With the approval of Plan B, comes a further decline in family values. Now anyone can go ahead and have premarital sex and not have to worry about the consequences.

Sure, it is supposed to be for 18-year-old girls, but do we honestly expect that to happen! That’s not the issue here weather they are over 18 or not. The availability of such a drug is in itself a major moral problem.

Hillary Clinton once again shows herself as the family hating woman she is. How can she love families and validate this drug? It all falls in line with her “it take s a village to raise a child” issue. Sure it does but who manages the moral standards of that village?

This is a huge backward step for humanity and Christianity. Now we have basically what amounts to abortion on demand without the Doctor. Oops got pregnant don’t know how that happened, but here is my pill, problem solved.

Focus on the family states that it is a drug pushed by adult men for young girls so they can all have lots of illicit sex. Maybe it is, maybe not. The sad thing here is that it is being condoned by society. I don’t see an outcry from the general population here. Where are the protests, the marches to speak out against it?

That’s right there aren’t any. Terrible terrible thing we have here. We fall deeper into the abyss and there isn’t much hope of getting out. Not entirely true. We can turn to God and pray.

I urge everyone to pray for our leaders and pray that we stand up and start electing leaders who have better moral judgment than the current ones. Even our highest leader is waffling on this one. So easy to get sucked in and lose our way.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

One would think…

Last week the big news of the week was the return of Senator Bruno’s granddaughter. Good for him and good for her. I am happy she was found safe.

However my bone is this. There are those whom the ending is not as wonderful and full of joy. Lets take Christine White for instance. I am well acquainted with the family, and being such, I know that they are not getting any answers.

Calls go unreturned or worse told they cannot disclose any information to the family! Granted due to Mr. Bruno’s position I am sure he did not even pickup the phone and tell anyone what they were supposed to do. I am sure that the right people were on top of the situation doing what needed to be done.

In Christina’s case no such resources are being deployed. No such investigation and no communication to the family whatsoever. Do they have a suspect; are they looking at anyone in particular? Are there any leads, and who is even in charge of any investigation? These are answers the family deserves; yet they are told they are not privy to any of this.

I attended Christina’s Service and I can say it was hard. It was hard to see such a young life ended so soon, and harder to see the family’s grief.

Once again Mr. Bruno, that your granddaughter was found safe. But it in incumbent upon you as the Representative for that district to ensure that all victims are treated with equal attention.

Tell me I am wrong, and that there is an ongoing investigation. Tell me that you are deploying the same resources to find Christina’s killer as were deployed to find young Miss Bruno.

From where I stand I can say this is not the case, but then I have been known to be wrong now and again. So I ask you to prove me wrong. Finding her killer will certainly not bring Christina back. She was at one time very active in her Church and committed her life to Christ and I am sure that is where she is now.

However, her family is still her left with the hurt. Left with the pain of knowing her killer walks among us, and that the officials in charge don’t seem to be in charge.

Letters go unanswered, calls unreturned. Is her life not worth the time form our public officials? Any answer would be welcome.

You Mr. Bruno were in the family’s prayers regarding your granddaughter and you have been blessed in that those prayers have been answered. The prayers for Christina still go out. Help the family get answers.