Standing Tall

Standing in the face of today’s depreciating values.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


This morning opening my email, there were two items in there today. Both from Christian friends, and it hit me. It hit me that we as Christians have a responsibility. Christmas makes that responsibility even more pronounced.

What started me on this, simple, both of the emails were dwelling on the negative side. One was a cartoon whereby a child was sent to the Principles office because he said Christmas in class. The other was a twas the night before Christmas parody.

Should we be passing these negative messages around? Yes, we all know that a School funded by the Government will indeed kick Christ out of the School. We know that many people do not have any idea that Christmas is actually a celebration of the birth of Christ and believe it a celebration of a rotund man in a red suit! These things we already know.

What we need to be passing around is Christ’s message. We need to stop buying into the negativity and move on to the positive and stop passing around parodies and start passing around the true meaning. We are not being Christians if we buy into the negative stuff.

So, I deleted those two emails and passed back two positive messages. As Christians we need to hold each other to task to get the right message out.

I challenge you that whenever you get a negative worldly email disparaging Christmas or Christians that you delete it right away and immediately send those people a positive message of Christ’s love for them.

Be warned though, you may not get friendly messages back from those same people, and there lies the problem. How can a person purporting to be a Christian send those messages disparaging their faith? Problem is we get caught up in the world and are so blinded we can no longer see straight.

Trappings and a comfortable life remove us from our faith. Rebuke those people but do it gently. Remind them that the real message is being diluted and we need to be ever diligent in getting out the message.


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