Standing Tall

Standing in the face of today’s depreciating values.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Thanksgiving day over?

Now that Thanksgiving Day is over, does it end? Is that all there is too it, one day where we give thanks for the blessing in our lives, and then in the morning we simply move on.

Not for me. True, the food has been eaten and the mess cleaned up. Frig has some leftovers, but mostly they went with the guests.

The aftermath is a down day, a day of slight depression. Why aren’t we closer, well we are close, but it seems as though it could be better. How can I get them to understand the love of Jesus Christ, and his salvation, and the blessings he has in store for them if they would only open their hearts.

Years ago I stopped trying to persuade my family by force, it would seem I was only chasing them away. So I have calmed down and hope to show them through how I live. There are days I worry that most of my family is not saved.

After a year of agonizing over my son’s education we placed him in a Baptist School. Today we wonder why we agonized when we see him recite the Lords Prayer, and leads dinner time prayers. Yesterday my family got to see his changes and they were amazed by his transformation, some I think were made nervous by it though.

We are all close very close as a family, and we all live locally now. Though some have left the nest we have all come back home to settle. There is something there that keeps us all tied together and something there that keeps the bond tight.

Thanksgiving is a time of such blessings today as it was in the past. Today we have plenty of food no one is wanting, but in the past many times we would receive food from food pantries. There is a Thanksgiving that comes mind where we had nothing but each other and cans of soup. We heated the cans on a wood stove it was all we had. We did not have running water or electricity, but we did have corn meal to go with the soup.

Today is far different form then, but those days are still fresh in my mind. The result is that we give to our local food pantries as I know all to well there are families who still would not have a Thanksgiving without them. It is sad that in this country of plenty since those days of having nothing thirty years ago there is still that need today. It has not changed.

Yesterday as I gave the prayer it was heavily on my mind that families live without homes and without food as we sit in our warm home with plenty to eat. A depression settled over me and still today I cannot shake it. It is the shame that I can have so much while there are people who still have nothing.

I pray for the day when all are fed and housed. God will hear our prayers and hear our cry for his salvation and surely will answer those prayers.


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