Standing Tall

Standing in the face of today’s depreciating values.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Who Knows.

So, still have Iritis and still no answers after what, three no four months! It is not Sarcoidosis as it turns out.

So I guess the bottom line is Doctors are similar to the rest of us. they don't have all the answers. The case could be similar to trying to understand an issue with a large computer network I suppose. There might be a problem so you tweak until the problem goes away or you actually find the problem and resolve it.

Doctors I believe work on the same premise. Keep tweaking, or in the Medical field you send someone out to more Doctors till either one of them finds a problem or the problem simply goes away. Or tragically the patient dies.

So says my Doctor, last visit, this is the eye Doctor mind you, he tells me a story about a patient of his who complained about an ailment for about a year. He didn’t particularly like the patient, so he treated her, and then she dies. He told me that sometimes Doctors get patients they may not particularly like but they have to treat them anyway.

I do understand that. From a Network Engineer perspective I can understand how there might be clients that we may not particularly like to serve, or we don’t jump to get their problems resolved.

This is what he tells me. Am I hearing a message that A: he doesn’t like me, B: I am going to die so he is sending me to every other Doctor on the planet, or C: he was simply telling me a story. I think it might be time for a new eye Doctor, too bad I like this guy.

Two more Doctors and I am done with them. One is the Cardiac people, do a full stress work up, and the other is the Back Doctor. After some back x-rays he did not like the looks of the lower back there so I went out for an MRI, we are waiting for those results.

So I say I am done with them all. The Iritis is still there but barely. I think after a few more weeks it will be completely gone now. So it may be a case where whatever the problem was it took care of itself as I have been to every sort of Doctor there is. Poked probed jabbed stabbed, prodded, and so much blood taken I don’t think I have any more in there to bleed out!

Something I did change on my own is my eating habits though. I know food can play a huge part in our health, and to be honest I am not the best eater. I mean I pretty much eat anything put in front of me.

Last month I changed that. I read the labels, yes, actually read them and then I compare the stuff in there with a database of food additives I downloaded to my PDA and if I don’t like what I read I don’t buy or eat the product. I cook whole foods now and less packaged foods. No more fast food period, and no more Soda. Water only.

Perhaps these changes in themselves have repaired the body. Perhaps I was so toxic my body simple was responding to all the toxins being pumped into it.

The work is hard to prepare meals from scratch all the time. There is allot of prep work and lots of pre-planning. I work 8-4 so it is not easy to get home and start a meal from scratch. Many times I prepare parts of the dish the night before and finish it the next night. So tonight for example, I have a dish ready from last night that i will finish preparing then eat. Then I will start tomorrow’s meal tonight.

So who knows? Wouldn’t it be something that all it is, is eating too much junk food and drinking way too much cola. Diet Cola, and that has Aspartame in it, and Aspartame is not so good for the body as I see in my little food additive db.

This would show that sometimes the Doctors simply don’t know. Trial and error, and me as the guinea pig!

Some years back I have lost focus. I used to be in good shape cared about what I ate, and watched my weight. lately, not so much. So I have ten years of abuse to repair. The treadmill has become my friend, and I have always enjoyed cooking and this is a new chapter to look forward to.

The Lumps in the lung was a bit too frightening, and was a huge wake up call. I can’t say I ever felt more mortal then that waiting period. No knowing if the lumps were something to be afraid of or just nothing. I am convinced that God played a role there. Maybe more on that later.

Perhaps I will post some of the recipes here. I have narrowed them down to quick and easy dishes. and sometimes I take more complex dishes and tailor them to a simpler recipe.

God bless.


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