Standing Tall

Standing in the face of today’s depreciating values.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Am I wrong here or...

Received an invite to a baby shower. that is normal enough at first sight but there is something odd.

We were invited to her baby shower two years ago for her first baby. So is it normal to have a baby shower two years later for number two? I have never been invited to a second shower before so I am not familiar with the process.

OK, to be honest the invite was not for me, but my significant other. Men don’t get invited to baby showers as a rule, save to come at the end and load all the good into the car. Seems we are only as good as we can he man stuff around :-)

My thinking goes in two directions here. One, is it proper to have a second baby shower, and Two, the registry.

In item one, regarding the second shower, as I mentioned I have never before seen an invite for the subsequent babies, so I don't know if this is normal. Being that this is new territory i am not sure how to proceed.

In item two, that’s sort of where the main issue lies. Looking at the registry all of her requested items are large items. Very costly. I can assume she still has many items that can be reused from her first baby as it has only been two years, but the items she has indicated are big ticket items.

A stroller at $189 bucks, a crib at $200 plus, and so on and so. OK, where are the old things from the first baby, and the real issue would be the cost I guess. She is an acquaintance I would not call a friend. We meet her at Church from time to time and say hello is about as far as it goes. No dinners together no outside Church interaction or socializing. So asking for such big ticket items is kind of forward I think.

However to boil it down to the meat of the matter is the cost in this regard. Most of the people she knows are barely ahead of the game financially speaking. She herself is barely making ends meet. She of all p[people know how much a $189 stroller sets one back. that’s allot of money from people who are barely putting food on the table.

The only way I see her getting these big ticket items would be for most of the people invited to pool the money and get one big ticket item. But in the registry she has many such items. I can not see myself buying her such a big ticket item let alone people who are less financially sound as I may be. I am not that many paychecks away from the poor house myself Miss a few and I am indeed in trouble.

I know most the invitee's and I know they are struggling. So, is it just me or am I missing something here or am I just completely in the dark regarding baby showers and how it all works.

I did suggest my significant other to not go, but send a card with a few dollars or a gift certificate.

What happened to her old stroller, does she need two, and if so how will she push two strollers? I know people with multiple children and having two strollers is not normal I think. Another crib and changing table and other baby furniture? She only has a two bedroom apartment after all! Where is she putting all this stuff she hopes to get.

Maybe I it is not my concern, I should not be over thinking this. Maybe its not my business how she spends the money or what she wants for her kids. I would not like it if people always analyzed how I conducted my business.

I don’t know, on the other hand we are a Church family and being such it is incumbent on us to care for one another and cover each others back while also hold each other accountable.

More thinking on this matter.


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