Standing Tall

Standing in the face of today’s depreciating values.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Not to get me wrong.

Ok, something about what I aim to get from this site. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to come across as some sort of brute here, and if you see it that way then you are not looking closely enough.

What I am saying here is that men simply have to stand up and be counted. We seem to have lost something today and believe it or not women are punishing us for it. How so. Well for starters, we allow ourselves to be belittled in many ways. Look at any of today’s sitcoms or even commercials. Men are portrayed as simpering idiots! Incompetent and incapable.

Lets not confuse things here. In no way am I saying lets step backwards, I like where woman have gone. I like woman in the work place and standing up and being counted. However, if it is at the expense of someone else then it’s not so good.

For instance, my spouse has a powerful job, makes a higher income than I, so I am not saying that that is wrong. I am OK with that. But, does that mean she now opens the car door for me simply because her income is more! No, it does not. Is she better than me, well, that jury is still out, but what I mean to say is that it does not mean one of us can walk over the other.

Yes, I still open her car door, though with the remote control for the car it is easy to simply push the button and let her open the door herself. Same with going out to eat or something, does she enter the restaurant first or does the man. There is etiquette to follow and from what I see around me it is slowly getting lost.

How many men pull her seat out when she sits. how many men stand when lady gets up to powder her nose, or stand when a lady enters late. It simply is not there. Is it a simple matter of convenience today or have we lost something. Don't think I am saying we should be Ozzy and Harriet, we all know that was a myth, and never a reality, I am not saying that.

Basic respect is what I am getting at. A very basic core respect for each others gender. When a woman berates a man and belittles him in public in front of company, the man is left with a feeling of helplessness and it begins the process of him becoming incompetent and self loathing. Agree or disagree no matter it is a fact.

Same for a man. When he talks down to his lady or belittles her in front of company the effect is the same. It is inappropriate and disrespectful at the basic core level. Yet, I see it everyday. I cant go anyplace without seeing this.

I have a lady friend who has been married three times now. Each time she married an independent strong man. They all we self employed making a good living at what they were doing. She is a strong woman with a very solid set of principles and work ethic it is what draws her to this type of man.

Something happens though, and in each marriage her man turned domestic. He left his business to stay at home with the kids, and after a time she despised him for it, and the marriage dissolved.

That is the type of thing I am trying to convey here. Yes in each marriage there has to be a head of household so to speak. Someone has to be dominant and make the decisions daily. Someone has to be the bad guy at times when raising children, and someone has to do the dirty work that a marriage needs to keep it alive.

This can be the man or the woman, it really isn’t important as long as both parties agree. When one is being subverted by the other then it becomes a mess, and someone will leave. It’s why the divorce rate is so high.

There are exceptions; I do have two female acquaintances whom both had their first husbands leave them for another man. Scratch my head over that still. They are both beautiful woman remarried now, but can not see why the man left them for another man. Who knows, were they gay to begin with or did something change. That discussion for another day.

So, men, what I am saying to you is that by all means treat a lady as a lady. No matter what she does or says to you she wants to be treated like a lady, they all do. If you do not they will in time despise you if you don’t They may not know it is why they despise you, but trust me, it is why.

Ladies, same goes for you. Let your man treat you like a lady, it is what a man wants to do. Let him pamper you with affection and gifts, it is his way of saying he loves you. Some men don’t verbalize that well, so they make up for it in little ways. When he opens your door he is saying I love you. When he brings home a gift, as confusing as the gift may be to you, he is saying I love you.


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