Standing Tall

Standing in the face of today’s depreciating values.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Education Wonks.

Love the name, and it is a great site for staying in touch with Education concerns.

One of my main issues is Education and staying informed about where it is going and what’s going ion there. My Public school experience was less than stellar and I met some very miserable teachers during my very impressionable years.

Let me qualify this with stating that we moved, and moved often. Some 38 times to be exact, and in all those moves it meant readjusting to a new School maybe for several years, maybe for a few months.

Always being the new kid meant not connecting with the teachers, and certainly not connecting with the local kids. It meant always being the outsider and not being able to associate with any particular group of students.

During those years, I cannot say any teacher of recollection even tried to make a connection. Not one of them stands out as anything special, and to this day I do not recall any of the teachers names. That is the basis for my wanting to stay in touch with the public Schools and doing what it takes to try to make it better.

My son does not attend public School. This due to both my Christian belief and my belief that public Schools are in crisis.

Reading over at Education Wonks they have a take on that. Well, granted each public School operates differently. However one of our local High Schools holds a separate prom for Gays. yup, in addition to the prom most students attend there is a second prom specifically for the gay population. that is one reason to keep my son away from them.

There is a constant battle with public Schools about misinformation, such as can students turn in religious assignments and can students pray in school. It is a daily battle across the country. So, I can understand there is misinformation about what actually happens in public Schools as well. Always two sides of a coin.

However, having been a Youth pastor in the past, I can attest to certain School administrators and teachers who deliberately went out their way to make life miserable for students they targets as Christians. I have seen it first hand and went to several High Schools to try to dispel inaccurate information as well hold 'Meet you at the flagpole" prayer vigils.

At first we were asked to leave the School grounds but after handing them the rules regarding proper authority to do so, they did to their credit back off. However afterwards several students were targeted thought he school denies any such targeting. One student was told he could not read his bible on the school grounds under any circumstances, clearly the teacher was wrong.

That same student was also told he could not pray before his meal in the cafeteria again clearly wrong. The list went on until I went tot eh School and informed the Principle that this student felt he was being persecuted and left literature for the Principle to read and pas along.

OK, granted this student was in your face type, and may have brought some of this on himself, but he was simply demonstrating his rights. He was trying to deliberately call out the teachers who were known to be anti-Christian and show them for what they were. So he is not without some fault here. maybe fault is not correct, he didn’t do anything outside the rules.

This student was very industrious as well. he found a copy of the Board of Education Rules, big thick book each Board has, and he learned a few things and he didn’t hesitate to point them out. But, he did this only after he felt he was being unfairly persecuted. In other words he felt they drew first blood so he reacted in kind.

One major issue was the faculty lounge. One day he walked in sat down and started reading a magazine. well you may imagine the faculties reaction. They told him to leave he was not allowed in there. it was for faculty only. So out he whips a copy of a guideline specifically stating in clear English that, a school cannot have a meeting place separate form the student body for any purposes. That faculty lounge was in violation of the school boards own guidelines.

The list goes on the battle was long, he won a few lost a few rounds. But the issue here is teaching teachers what can and can be done. There is misinformation on both sides. It's about respect and knowing the facts. Something many folks tend to forget. We take someone word at face value without learning the truth behind it. Much like the Internet.

As good as the Internet is, it is also filled with misinformation. You have to dig around a bit to get the facts and the truth.

However, back to my experience with schools. One teacher tried to punch me in the head because he was so frustrated with my school work. he made a hole in the wall he punched it do hard, had I not moved my head he would have punched my face, that was fifth grade. He had other students place any papers they handed me on the floor, step on them, spit on them, them hand them to me.

That was because one day on a wet winter day, my books dropped on the bus floor and the papers got all wet and muddy as students stepped on them on the bus instead of helping pick them up. So he thought it would be nice I got all my papers that way. Nice teacher there eh.

Sixth grade was no better, I was placed in a broom closet each day during class instead of attending class for weeks on end each time I either failed to hand in an assignment or did not get a passing grade on a test. yup, broom closet during class. Very nice.

It only got worse as I moved up the grades, and move up I did. Even though after fifth grade I had pretty much given up on school, failed to turn in any homework, and basically checked out during class, I was moved up from one grade level to the next anyway. It did not matter how poor my grades were I always was moved up.

Seventh and eighth grade it was rare I turned in an assignment, and rare I passed a test in class. Eighth grade end of term final, I wrote an essay that had absolutely nothing to do with he subject matter, nothing to do with the work, it was randomly written essay about nothing, basically gibberish and received a passing grade and moved on to the ninth grade!

So, what I learned was this. It did not matter what I did or did not do in class. It did not matter how well or how poorly I did class. All I had to do was show up, and in 11th grade I experimented with that as well. I missed more than half of the school year. More than half! Yet I passed. I did not turn in my final assignments and rarely made it to school. Yet I passed and received a diploma. Explain another time why I graduated after 11th and not 12th.

Today I regret much of it, and have gone on to complete college, and in college I realized how much I missed. I struggle with the English language, rather grammar, punctuation and so forth. I can not form a sentence let alone a paragraph. This is due to both my changing schools constantly as well as the failing of the school system.

They did not care enough to realize I should have been held back or given after schoolwork, something. My grades were appalling. And it was consistent. Yet it was not recognized.

Perhaps today it is different. However it is not something I will risk with my son’s education. He attends a Christian school. He loves it and is happy each day. He is blessed in that he does not struggle with schoolwork it comes easy to him. He completes his assignments quickly accurately and easily. He clearly didn’t get that from me!

My point here is this. Public schools can be a place of isolation and even worse a place of persecution. No, they are not all that way. Some are better than others. A dear friend of mine is a teacher at a local High School. She is a great woman and she tries hard to stay up to speed with her education as well as she shows sincere concern for her students.

She stays after school for those who need her to. She goes out of her way to reach out to her students and offer them extra help as needed or simply listen to them. She cannot however ever talk to them about Christ. She cannot how ever much she desires to tell them about God and his grace. That is the sad part right there.

Even if the student talks to her about God, she cannot tell them how devoted she is and how they can become a better Christian no matter what the student says. She would lose her job if she did. At least she fears she would lose her job. And her fear is not losing her salary, it is that she could no longer teach. She is devoted to teaching and what it brings.

So, it is not all bad. However it is bad enough that our public school system needs improvement. Many parents are moving to home school or private schools. Why, various reasons. But clearly it means they are discouraged or have lost faith in the public school.

The solution is simple. We need to work harder to fix the broken system. We need to instead of abandoning the public system take it back. Even if taking it back means breaking it more first. I believe it needs to be torn down then rebuilt.

Once some time ago, I was a Drill Sergeant. We had to tear down the kids and then build them back up as men. We sent them home as men having received most of them as boys.

Our public schools need the same treatment. We need to get them tore down and then rebuilt, and rebuild them back on the values they were built originally. And to do that we need to pull our kids out thus depleting them of the talent and money. When they fall miserably, then we can start the repair process.


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