Standing Tall

Standing in the face of today’s depreciating values.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Disassociated observations

Lately I have found myself observing young couples or couple wannabee’s. Not sure why, maybe t4rying to recapture some that exuberance that, fluttery feeling in the stomach or whatever.

Some observations. If you are married and have an infant, it is not prudent or prosperous to flirt with the new single girl in the office while talking bad about your marriage!

If you are a boy trying to get solicit a girls attentions, smacking the soda bottle out of hand so it splashes her and everything around her, may not be the best approach.

The other day I stopped at a local Senior center that was having a book sale. I did pick up a box full intending to only get one. However, I noticed while there folks using their cell phones to look up the ISBN number, I have no idea who they were patching in to. I assume they were collectors somehow looking up the value of the books? No idea here, just guessing.

Was asked to fill a logistics position with a Church, ordering supplies for Sunday School. Not my Church but I know them well. Learned what a difference there can be between Churches about priorities and fundage, and am impressed with both.

Fall is arriving soon, meaning lots of tourists apple picking and cider. Mmm, love the smell of Fall, but it means the long cold winter as well.

A friend spent the night, we don’t see her and her husband so much anymore, miss them a lot, and will make a better effort to get them back in the fold. She is full of life and a pleasure to be around, and I miss that fire she carries.

Found my printed Bible I didn’t know I was missing! Use a PDA with eSword installed so rarely use the hard copy, but it was like finding an old friend. Sadly I use those cards you pick up at funerals as placeholders. Looking them over I am seeing more old friends there than I have in this world now. Too too many, and I know they are with our Lord but I still miss them.

Some suddenly gone, while others had a long goodbye. Some so young it hurts to think about it, and others were ready to go see their Lord and savior. Some I still cannot look at the card without tears, and others with a smile knowing they knew what living was.

Took a day off this week to spend with my boy. We sailed all day, and he slept going home. It was the best day I can remember in a long long time, and today I took him to lunch and all he talked about was his day of sailing and fishing.

He had a minor incident sailing though. It was carelessness on his part and mine. I let him wander the docks looking at the large carp fish, but it was getting dark. He is a good swimmer and wears a life vest.

A couple came off their boat and stopped to talk with him, I was at least 30 feet down the dock unloading the boat. He stepped around the couple to show them the carp, and he walked off the dock, right into the lake. I did not know my legs could move so fast, but they had him fished out before I could get there.

His words crushed me. As he subsided from screaming hysterically, he said I could have bee n there to get him out! A five year old cannot understand the building of trust and confidence. I was leveled and knelt to pray to God that I will be there when he needs me, both my son and God above. His words devastated me. He is learning his dad is fallible after all, and I am learning he will not be mine forever.

This week has been full of reflections, growth, old memories and new ones. I feel alive this week, pleasure to be serving our Lord.


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