Standing Tall

Standing in the face of today’s depreciating values.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Kids today!

Last weekend I went to see the new home my daughter is building. It is supposed to be a 5500 sq ft house! That's not a house in my book, it's a mansion.

Barely over a year ago I was buying groceries for her to feed her three children, and now this year she is building such a house. I don't get it. She seems happy, her boyfriend, no they are not married, yet have a child together, anyway, her boyfriend seems to be making some money as an electrician.

My wife says he was born on a Monday, meaning he seems to have a certain touch. Business literally walks up to him and asks for him. He walks from one big deal to the next, so in addition to being an electrician he is building buildings, and many more skills. i don't know how he does it.

However, she is still a baby at 26 and still does not know much about being a mom for her three children. She still likes to "go out" as she says and the children get dispersed among people who will take them. She isn’t too picky about who takes them either.

this is being a bit critical but then again it is intended to be. I try to tell her what I see, and let her know that she is making certain mistakes that she should learn from me about, but she seems bent on learning them herself as she always has been.

I do hope it works out for her, but I worry that when and if the bubble bursts how they will cope. Their mortgage payment will be high even with him building most of the house himself. Their mortgage will be largest than mine and I know how hard mine hits each month. Banks are not too forgiving on many late payments.

Time will tell how it plays out for her, but I will do what I can, as long as she asks. I have discovered my input is not usually wanted unless specifically asked for, so I don’t input.